Athletes perform in turn 2 exercises: pulling on the crossbar (weighted pull ups) and pushing on the bars (weighted dips). To perform the exercises given by 1 approach (round) during which the athlete must perform the maximum number of repetitions. The additional weight ordered before the approach (round) is suspended to the athlete’s belt. The sum of the best results in the exercises counted by the judges is included in the standings. There are also tournaments for individual exercises.
Pullings up on a crossbeam (Weighted Pull ups).
Participants carry out exercise, using the direct or reverse closed grip.
Pullings up on a crossbeam by the different grip is forbidden.
Pulling up on a crossbeam.
1. At the command of the Referee “to Prepare” the athlete holds starting position: The athlete hangs on the straightened hands on a crossbeam;
2. At the command of the Referee “Start” the athlete begins the movement up to that time until a tip of a chin is above a crossbeam, as on a vertical, and across (see the drawing), and after the command of the Referee “Down”, the athlete falls to full hanging
3. When the athlete adopts the motionless provision (undoubtedly, having finished the movement), the Referee has to give a signal to the end of exercise. The signal of the arbitrator consists of the movement up a hand down and the distinct command “Finish”
During performance of pulling up on a platform there have to be no more than three (3) and not less than two (2) insuring (assistants)
4. At multirepeated pulling up on a crossbeam, the arbitrator keeps the report of number of the executed repetitions. Referees fix number of not included repetitions. The final result is equal to a difference between the total number of repetitions and not included repetitions.
The reasons for which approach can be not included:
• the athlete begins the movement to the command “Start”,
• any part of a body of the participant (except palms) concerns the earth or a horizontal bar;
• the chin hasn’t reached situation above a crossbeam, as on a vertical, and across;
• the help of assistants during direct performance of exercise;
• use of the different grip
The resolved stock:
• Athletic belt
• Wrist bandage
Push-ups on bars (Weighted dips).
The successful fellow of hands has to be such that the thumb was from an internal part of bars, and other fingers – from an external part.
Push-up on bars
– At the command of the Referee “to Prepare” the athlete holds starting position: The athlete hangs on the straightened hands over bars;
– The command of the Referee “Start” will be given after the athlete isn’t mobile (legs don’t touch the earth, hands are located on bars and are straightened in elbows). Having heard the command of the Referee, the athlete begins the movement down to that time with the recorded hands until the triceps is parallel to bars (90 degrees in elbows), or parallels are lower, and after the command of the Referee “Up”, the athlete begins the movement up to full fixing of hands;
– When the athlete adopts the motionless provision (undoubtedly, having finished the movement), the Referee has to give a signal to the end of exercise. The signal of the senior Referee consists of the movement of a hand down and the distinct command “Finish”
– Use of any types of the bandage applied on wrists and which aren’t exceeding length of 0,8 m everyone or wristlets are allowed.
During performance of pulling up on a platform there have to be no more than three (3) and not less than two (2) insuring (assistants). The distance between parallel bars can vary, however it shouldn’t exceed 60 cm and to be closer than 40 cm. – Beam thickness in the diameter shouldn’t exceed 4,5 cm and to be less than 3,3 cm. The reasons for which approach can be not included: • the athlete begins the movement to the command “Start”; • any part of a body of the participant (except palms) concerns the earth or bars; • 90 degrees in elbows haven’t been reached; • the double movement down that either to increase depth, or to try to reach 90 degrees in elbows after the movement has begun up; • the help of assistants during direct performance of exercise;
The resolved stock:
• Athletic belt
• Wrist bandage